Complimentary Destiny Reading

Please fill in the form below to get your Complimentary Reading personally from David Forrest.

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Please select a category for your Complimentary Reading:


You have only 1 choice of category to ask a question.
Please select the category on the left, and ask a specific, focused question related to that category. More details in your question will receive a more definitive answer, for example:

Please advise me if I should take up a new career in wealth management? I am now in FX.
My relationship with boyfriend is going on 2 years, will he marry me and when?
I am having issues at work with my boss and colleagues. Is this a temporary situation? I am a Sales Manager for fast moving consumer goods.
Please state very clearly your:
In your current company what are your:

Note Singapore Mobile Only
Date of Birth *
Please enter in the format dd/mm/yyyy


Hour of Birth must be accurate

Check with your parents or your birth certificate for hour of birth.

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About David Forrest

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David is a summa cum laude in Bio Genetics and has an MBA. He has been in his own business for 42 years and is a management consultant.

David Forrest provides clear directions on all your crossroad questions based on Chinese astrology - Bazi & Zi Wei Dou Shu - and his own personal experiences in management and case studies with thousands of his clients.

Get definitive answers to all your questions, doubts & uncertainties relating to your Relationships, Career Choices and Business.

With 15 years in the studies of Chinese astrology - Bazi and Zi Wei Dou Shu - David Forrest will reveal from your birth charts clear, solution-driven answers to all your questions.

Client Testimonials

David is like a lighthouse who can see far into the distance, guiding your ship, providing you with information that allows you to navigate the rough waters and avoid hitting the rocks. He is direct, yet compassionate. His readings are fascinating!
I literally walked out of Mr. Forrest’s room “freshened and alive” and took on a new persona, which I appreciate till today as it has made me a better person.
David Forrest was excellent. His reading was accurate and most important of all, which I find missing in other fortune sessions, Mr. Forrest gives conclusions and answers to my questions, and advice as to what I should do next.
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